Saturday, January 30, 2010

One year later -- wither Obama

We're all pretty good at seeing where Obama has gone wrong, if he ever intended to go right.

The only question, as to his election, is where on the sliding scale one comes down: from Manchurian candidate for the rich and powerful to naive neophyte propelled on the wave of America's celebrity fixation and attention span of 30 second sounbites. Or somewhere in between; and all catapulted on popular reaction to a venal and illicit administration that preceded, two times!

As to his governance, from day one, it was clear. The hopeful counterpoint to those venal and despised Republicans, and the milquetoast toady Democrats turn out to be a cipher. Faced with the huge opportunity to capitalize on the demonstrable hatred of Bush and his gang, administrative and congressional, Obama proclaims, basically, "I want to be your friend". The mildest rebuke, in the inaugural address, to the those who had shattered the nations' well being, was followed by bows on the world stage, and turning over the reins to Rahm and the corporate template.

I don't know what propels this "style" of governance, even given the reserved personality it is attached to. Whether weakness, arrogance, or hubris, or some other. The result, however, seems clear. Whether true belief hidden behind lofty but disconnected rhetoric; or misguided conception of coaxing 'bipartisanship' and alliances with the enemies of the people, like the young guidance counselor who thinks he can encourage good behavior from the meanest of schoolyard bullies. The result has been continuous abandonment of ideals.

And not even soaring "new" ideals; but simply the concept of restoring some healthy direction to the nation which had been the basis of the, now betrayed, expectation the people gave in a huge electoral victory.

We know the record of accomplishments, or lack thereof, since then. From LGBT to Af/Pk; from big banks to big pharma; from Havana to Tel Aviv; from no accountability for crimes to perpetuating the process that generates civil rights-destroying actions. Nada.

So now it's immeasurably harder. If Obama is even inclined to do the work of playing catch up.


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