Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Palin! Controversy generator.

The selection of Palin, a play to right of course, was also pretty desperate. But moreso, she creates,has created, a real stir. This brings out emotions. This foments an “Us/Them” scenario. That is a Rove specialty.

The trick is to keep throwing mud, stirring up stuff; see what new controversy can be used as a further wedge and to create further polarization; multiple polarizations; polarizations on top of polarizations.

In the end Rove is betting that the Repubs can benefit more from biased emotional reaction from whatever quarter and in whatever amount. Doesn’t have a damn thing to do with reason, although it will be dressed up as such, as needed.

Getting the opposition engaged in a heated emotional battle plays right into Rove’s scenario. Bring it all on! The more disorienting and irrational the more fodder for the emotional grinder.


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