Sunday, October 03, 2004

Things they'll be saying after the election

The caution exhibited by the fourth estate with regard to criticism of the Bushies will no doubt evaporate faster than a drop of water in a hot skillet after the election -- after Bush is sent packing. Not wanting to forgo access to the WH, those fearless men and women of the SCLM will no doubt embrace a new found zeal to report on the mess Bush has gotten us into.

What was heretofore reported only as rumor or innuendo, or unsubstantiaed fact . . . by some other reporter . . . will likely see new life, perhaps even with the wisdom of hindsight, if not hypocrisy.

The litany of scandal being accumulated by the current administration -- submerged in secrecy and protected from view by the instrument of fgovernment presided over by a corrupt and corrupting President will crumble like the corrupt edifice it is as the Presidency of this dangerous incumbant crumbles before a dismayed disgusted electorate.

Soon the stories shunned by the mass media will instead become their staple as if to validate all the horror we have lived through by finding anew zeal for reporting the lies and corruption that have been rampant and visble to those with eyes.

Coming late to the party, however, it will be difficult for the mass media to regain the confidence of the coutry as a serious institution counterbalancing the immense and potentially harful effects of a government swimming in ideological certainty, narrrow purpose, and arrogant intimidation.


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