Sunday, July 17, 2005

If there is a hell

As the great kabuki cranks up to a clearer deliniation between the forces of Bush and the forces of decency (much of the rest of the so-called civilezed world), one hears the leaks from sources eager to continue to shape the Rovian message; a message very possibly necessary to the survival of not just Rove but Bush himself. Will criminal indictments be brought forth by Fitzgerald's grand jury? How many? How wide? Or will it all be shoved under the rug? The charade that is Bush, the neo-cons, the Iraq debacle? All of it.

And is anyone listening? Will the "media" be allowed to follow a story more protean than Michael Jackson? Will their masters allow it?

I do not want to prejudge the myopia and ability for self delusion of the Bush faithful -- oh, yes I do, but I shall forbear. However,I will be very interested to watch how much this tidal wave of scandal triggered by Rove-Plame-gate affects the basic calculus among those who worship at the altar of fear, ethnocentrism, and jingoism constructed and embellished by the this administration, including but not limited to: Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Perle, the neocons in general, Rove, Gonzales, PNAC and all the hoary retreads who inhabit the bowels of the administration.

Watergate did have an impact for a time, skepticism of government. But the koolaid that's been passed out is so much stronger these days. And those deluded are so viscerally joined to the deluders that one cannot confidently say the scales will fall from their eyes, even if a media sector begins to function less like Frankenstein's Igor. You remember: "Yes, master".


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