Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The morning after . . .

Ohio was where it was always at. 2004's Florida where the brunt of the Rethugs voter supression (read fear mongerng and legal manuvering) took place.

Dems will and should keep fighting, not roll over and pretend that Karl Rove and company are really a bunch of boy scouts.

One thing seems clear however, as if we didn't know before: fear sells. And bigtime fear sell alot. Along with that goes xenophobia, triumphalism and American "exceptionalism", all of which we have received to a bellyfull.

An apparent subtext of this election is that America, perhaps only because of the short term world conditions, but I doubt it, is drifting further to the right. Don't ask me why, I tend to hold humanistic values not dogmatic ones, so I don't get it. Obviously.

Why we really need to fight this election outcome, in large part, comes down to one acronym: SCOTUS. I.e., I predict we can write off Roe rather quickly should Bush be re-anointed. And who knows what other mischief the robes will set in motion as they, in the laughable garb of strict constructionism, go about molding our social fabric.

Not a lot to be cheerful about, eh?


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