Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Life imitates fiction

Cheney: "Iraq war will end before 2009"

Today's (5-31-05) CNN headline.

What kind of joke is this? The administration chooses to 1) lower the expectations 2) define the terms of the discussion 3) move the goal posts 4) act in control and reasonable in the face of chaos 5) imply that there was/is a plan 6) distract us from the mess that is? I could go on. But the main point is that CNN and, fairly, other media outlets are abetting this march towards an Orwellian environemnt by acting as submissive stenographers to this MEANINGLESS, misleading pronouncement by Cheney. To speak and act, as the administration continues to, as if there is "progress" being made (and who gets to define that) in the face of bad news that is apprehended everywhere else in the world. The emperor has no clothes - neither CNN nor the administration. Why not get ahead of the curve and begin to report the real story behind this; public opinon isn't buying this administration's tripe on the war any longer, and the administration is sending out their "heavy", Cheney, once again, to try to stem the hemorraging and pull the wool over our eyes at the same time.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Approaching no return

Rick Santorum reckessly accuses the Democrats being Nazis, ""the equivalent of Adolf Hitler in 1942 saying, 'I'm in Paris, how dare you invade me, how dare you bomb my city!'", in the debate over the so-called "nuclear option". Far more blatent a reference than I can remember being used by anyone, surely in the Congress, on either side .

Many get worked up when the alusion to the Nazis is use against the rethugs )as Senator Byrd did awhile back and was roundly criticized by noless than Santorum). Often its turned back against the speaker to discredit him/her/the position. I don't think the parallels are even close. But that's not the point.

Totalitarianism has been reinvented for the media/digital age by a combination and cooperation of anti-democrats. In this case, their ruse is that they are the true democrats -- not only at home but abroad -- a messsage they promote, saturate, and enforce in the ears of the masses, through the blunt megaphone of the so-called media.

As many have pointed out, the Republican power machine has become unhinged, willing to tell all lies at the service of gaining more, and total, control and power. Is there really any opposition? Or will such potential opposition, individually and as organized force, virtually make accommodation with the thuggish power possessors for the myriad of reasons that one can delude oneself that we are not really approaching the abyss