Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Lord Made Me Do It

This foundling, this little twerp, this 31 year old nothing.

This Monica Goodling of course.

Are we to suppose that she was acting on her own? Resonating slavishly to the pats on the head from her rabidly partisan superiors at the DOJ for her actions to politicize the department from top to bottom? Taking direct orders from Alberto "I can"t recall" Gonzales, or one of Karl's minions at the WH? Just what the hell circumstances fostered this undermining of the staff at the department charged with administering "justice for all" in the country formerly call the United States of America, now known as Bushworld.

As with so many of the incredible acts of treason and chutzpah under the Bush administration, one recoils at magnitude of the corruption. No incremental, creeping subversion here. Just a wholesale assault on the already creaky vestiges of representative government and the necessary continuity of a professional corps of bureaucrats.

We'll see what results the "investigations" and Congressional oversight bring.

I'm not holding my breath.