Saturday, October 22, 2005

Waiting for the (indictment) shoe to drop

I don't think Fitzgerald would have been putting so much effort into this investigation because he needs a paycheck.

As far as the context of government action and secrecy in the name of national interest, that's a seminal point. I felt the 2000 election was the last throes of 20th century reactionary politics; and they cheated their way in! 911 threw a big old curve ball in the way the first term would have progressed (or regressed). The denouement may be belated but is likely coming as a result of the WH/admin overreaching their visions of empire.

Multiple scandals abound, but this one touching the inner workings of the WH has begun to consume so much energy (though little MSM attention thus far) that I fear if little comes of it (except the Wilson's civil suit) exhaustion will set in on the left. It happened after the '04 election. Now there is another head of steam to "get the bastards".

Watergate redux? But will the politicians, most of whom have been neutered or coopted, be part of a sea change, call for change, or simply try to ride the tide in a way that preserves their own viability?

One last fuzzy thought: Why is it that the humans we call politicians have yet to recognize that acting and speaking from a sense of honesty is not only the right thing to do but, I think, prevents catastrophe in the long run? Maybe they're the ones who are captive to the paycheck, ethically and financially bought and sold.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Crimes without end

I just want to remember where all this began, and my initial reaction to the sliming of Wilson and the outing of Plame: the intention was not JUST to go after Wilson, but to send an unmistakenly clear message to anyone who crossed the official WH line on that trajectory that led to the invasion of Iraq. That message, you do not mess with us under any circumstance. It is dangerous beyond your imagination not to keep you mouth shut. WE are in charge, and the price for not recognizing that is higher than you can imagine.

I smelled totalitarianism.

I believe there will be numerous indictments, and I believe the evidence will be so thorough and overwhelmeing that all but the the most craven or ignorant will see it. That doesn't mean that many wont just think their only crime was getting caught. Sadly, politics may have polarized so much that for a sizeable number its only a matter of R or D, not anything to do with legality or ethics.

And for some reason, call it putting a stake through the heart, I really want one of those names to be Elliot Abrahms, maybe to round out the connection from scandal to scadal that can be layed at the doorstep of this scourge we now call neo-conservatism.