Saturday, March 04, 2006

With apologies to Hegel

This morning's story on British front pages confirms how Christian delusion has served to reinforce the egos of both Bush and, now revealed, Blair The revelation that these two peas who we have for long now inferred been nestling in the same pod should be no big surprise. The Brits seem nearly as paralyzed by their messianic leader as we do. Having said that, the past few weeks and months have brought forth a surfeit of revelations of incompetence, secretiveness, corruption and lying by Bush and the pond scum that surronds his presidency that I doubt the Brits can compete.

Now the question is how do we, can we, get out of this mess? What more disasters is Bush going to wreck on the country, intentionally, as the Dubai port deal, or the imminent nuclear permission card to India, or unintentionally.

What ante-upping gambits are his handlers concocting as we speak? What paranoid reactions are festering in their fetid little tin soldier (albeit delusions of Generalship) minds?

The disasters and scandals unfolding left, right and center for the president and the thugs give us hope that this particular trajectory will not go on forever. But every time we have thought things just can't get worse, they have. I honestly think that Bush is sinking so fast, and the ability of the system to respond with corrective measures so inadequate, not to mention corrupt, that only more chaos seems a safe bet. You know, I think things have gotten so far out of whack that even a terror attack on US soil would only give shrub a slight bounce, and would almost get lost in the general miasma, after the appropriate news cycle attention.

Cornered, threatened, frightened little Bush, even though he hasn't a substantive clue, is dangerous. The spoiled, arrogant, prep school bully always has a snarky mindset, ready to react in the ONLY way such immature minds can. Dangerously immature. With no appreciation or concern for consequences except to feed onanistic fantasies of his unquestionable historical significance.

I can't wait for the reversal of the far arc of this particular historical pendulum swing, that some say started in the 60's, to reverse and gain some momentum. Even assuming that the rate of change is accelerating, I don't expect to be around to see the reverse swing come to fruition