Thursday, June 15, 2006

Four Years and Counting

There definitely seem to be different messages about possible troop draw downs in Iraq coming from the principal parties. Whether this represents different understanding as well, or merely different rhetoric for different audiences (not unheard of in international affairs, even to the nuances of word translation) I don't know.

The new Iraqi national security adviser indicates that a specific draw down scheme is anticipated and, even with adjustments for timing, he expects "coalition" troops to be fully out by 2008.

The Iraqis are so far down this road they are even talking about the specifics of amnesty, including the assumption that insurgents who have killed US troops would be a sure thing to receive amnesty. Wonder how the shrub might twist that little bit of information to showcase how the Iraqis are standing up and the US is standing down?

Actually, whatever the Kabuki calculus, Bush has clearly different ideas than leaving Iraq anytime soon (who would people that humongous new embassy?) The "stand up and stand down" bit is a cliched way to fudge the process, from shrub's viewpoint, and today he even reiterates its going to be a long time coming. Naturally, shrub manages to couch the equation in the light of he being the man on a white horse, and above the easy political expediency of withdrawing troops because, you know, its hard work. (heavy sarcasm)

Summarily, I'm not buying any of it. Follow the money, the neocon ideology, the strategic toehold in the mideast, and the oil. That's where its always been for this administration, and that's where it continues to be.

Sort of as a sideshow, the Repug clowns in the House of Representatives have to do thier little patriot 911911 dance to try to capitalize on shrub's renewed swaggering coattails (what a joke when you consider the polling data). Challenge the Dems to come out and fight. I'll watch the outcome but, overall, my thought is that its hard to fight or be fought by strawman.