Like a meteor . . .
"Oh yeah, and fuck the fucking Yankees"
Such was often Steve Gilliard's parting shot.
"Gilly" to those who, with or without cause, appropriated him as their friend. Online. A fearless blogger, who spoke from the hip, but with what seemed like a fairly encyclopedic knowledge to back him up -- on that limb he often went out on.
I felt a certain kinship to him and, surprisingly, had a clear idea that if I "got the time", and was in New York, I would definitely look him up. Highly unusual for a committed introvert like me.
Actually, he was the inspiration for me staring this abbreviated blog, which I acknowledged in my first post almost three years ago.
I never got to the point of advancing our acquaintance, except for a few exchanged emails, a link or two I would send him, and the occasional contribution to his fundraisers which he so painfully undertook (and of which he passed on a portion to other bloggers he considered worthy).
As I mentioned on my comment to Digby's notice of Steve's passing, Steve's approach and personna, which perhaps mirrored the person I never met in person, put me in mind of a meteor. Such was his intensity.
Perhaps it is not surprising, although so very sad, that he has burned out of this life.
Such was often Steve Gilliard's parting shot.
"Gilly" to those who, with or without cause, appropriated him as their friend. Online. A fearless blogger, who spoke from the hip, but with what seemed like a fairly encyclopedic knowledge to back him up -- on that limb he often went out on.
I felt a certain kinship to him and, surprisingly, had a clear idea that if I "got the time", and was in New York, I would definitely look him up. Highly unusual for a committed introvert like me.
Actually, he was the inspiration for me staring this abbreviated blog, which I acknowledged in my first post almost three years ago.
I never got to the point of advancing our acquaintance, except for a few exchanged emails, a link or two I would send him, and the occasional contribution to his fundraisers which he so painfully undertook (and of which he passed on a portion to other bloggers he considered worthy).
As I mentioned on my comment to Digby's notice of Steve's passing, Steve's approach and personna, which perhaps mirrored the person I never met in person, put me in mind of a meteor. Such was his intensity.
Perhaps it is not surprising, although so very sad, that he has burned out of this life.