Saturday, June 21, 2008

Congresswoman from AIPAC

House resolution authorizes blockade of Iran: because AIPAC says so.

Pelosi kills requirement for congressional approval before strike on Iran: because AIPAC says so.

4th amendment -- what is it good for?

More sunshine for detainees -- less for American citizens

Apparently the whole democratic establishment, and of course the entire republican caucus, thinks its just fine to sanctify the principle that the government can spy on Americans anytime it chooses. The congressional black caucus seems a bit worried but, you know, they remember the excess of J. Edgar Hoover, who would not doubt slaver over this legislation.

The bill, by the way, also exculpates the telecom industry from being handmaidens in past -- and I daresay we may anticipate -- future wholesale spying. No accountability here.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

habeas corpus for detainees - what a concept

Apparently John McCain has decided he is going to run on "911 changed everything"

After punting for a day on commenting on the recent 5-4 Supreme Court decision granting habeas corpus to Gitmo detainees, the straight talker has come out full force for "a traitor under every bed". You know, he said, its one of the "worst decisions in the history of the country". Now that's putting you mouth where your mouth is. Its also contradicting his mouth in 2003.

The surrogates are lining up to trumpet the call: if you think habeas is important you're just not damn scared enough yet! And we plan to scare you silly!

Gingrich riffs on Scalia's comment that people will die because of the majority's decision. Only Gingrich ups the ante; were going to "lose a whole city".

Kristol carries the ball forward for the wingers, the neocons and, of course, Mr. Straight Talker: he prognosticates that McCain, and his faithful lapdog Sen. Graham of S.C. will introduce legislation no less to get around this heinous Supreme Court decision. It's going to propose a "national security court". Right. That's not a national socialist security court but, you know, it has the smell of something jackbooted like that.