Game changer or imponerable forces?
There is much talk about Obama needing a "game changer" to counter McCain's [Rove's] cynical choice of Sarah Palin as Vice Presidential nominee.
I'm not so sure. The way I see it:
Two variables: McCain campaign. Obama campaign. Interpreter: the media.
Obama may not need a game changer to rise, if the McCain team falters.
True, the McCain/Rove axis has created quite a flurry. And there are, what, 50 some odd days to election. But I see no end to possible "game changers" team McCain may invent since they appear willing to do most anything, lie about everything, and generally act irresponsibly.
So it may not even be possible for team Obama to track and respond to every McCain flurry. Which is not to say Obama should not counter every direct attack and let his surrogates engage in some swift boating.
At this point it seems the left blogs, and even the centrist ones, are feeding the media all the Obama-centric ammunition that is needed. The media may regurgitate this on its own. Need Obama join that fray? Better, I think, to pick and choose large themes, bundle them, including strong contrasts with McCain-Palin, and promote the themes hard.
Honesty/lying to the American people would be a "theme". The eveidence is out there all over the place. Even on Fox.
I'm not so sure. The way I see it:
Two variables: McCain campaign. Obama campaign. Interpreter: the media.
Obama may not need a game changer to rise, if the McCain team falters.
True, the McCain/Rove axis has created quite a flurry. And there are, what, 50 some odd days to election. But I see no end to possible "game changers" team McCain may invent since they appear willing to do most anything, lie about everything, and generally act irresponsibly.
So it may not even be possible for team Obama to track and respond to every McCain flurry. Which is not to say Obama should not counter every direct attack and let his surrogates engage in some swift boating.
At this point it seems the left blogs, and even the centrist ones, are feeding the media all the Obama-centric ammunition that is needed. The media may regurgitate this on its own. Need Obama join that fray? Better, I think, to pick and choose large themes, bundle them, including strong contrasts with McCain-Palin, and promote the themes hard.
Honesty/lying to the American people would be a "theme". The eveidence is out there all over the place. Even on Fox.