Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pre-positioning the "pause"

The so-called pause of the Iraq troop drawdown is a trap being laid by repubs. What I see as happening is roughly this:

1. there is a "pause" in the "surge" next Summer.

2. Dems win the WH.

3. Troop withdrawals are resumed, even at minimal rates.

4. "Violence" increases, or the concensus reportage of violence hypes a trend. (Part of Wurlitzer "anti-liberal" barrage.) Petraeus, and other compliant generals "retire" in faux outrage, hit the lecture circuit, take teaching posts, populate military-related boards.

5. Dems "lose Iraq". Presto. Vietnam redux. Bush hagiographers work overtime.

Gates sets the stage for "suspending the drawdown" next Summer.

Ambassador Ryan Crocker seals the deal, setting up the dem nominees by stating the aparent obvious, i.e., that widdrawals (after the pre-positioned pause, almost 6 months from now) must depend on "the "situation on the ground". Lets ignore for a moment that it5 would seem to be that the "pause" itself should be conditioned by the facts on the ground at the moment, not projected a half year away, if one were being consistent, especially from the a diehard give-no-quarter chickenhawks in this white house:

This whole scenario is based on accepting assumptions about the state of Iraq, and that the administration has an accurate understanding of conditions. Few are willing to buy that line after years of turning corners that have turn out to be new corridors.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Its official: no limits to executive power

Whether intentional or incidental, the new AG, Mukasey, has advanced the most encompassing "theory", if you can dignifiy it as such, for a process of unlimited and unfettered power of the President of the United States. Period

Monday, February 11, 2008

Tom Lantos, Congressman, died

My mother's family, Hungarian Jews, was basically wiped out in the holocaust. Not unique, but a fact.

It is interesting how members of the same "community" react differently to the same conditions. Among those Jews who identify with Israel in some way, the distinctions are pronounced, often rigid.

Some Jews find a comfortable home supporting Israel in all things; kind of like "my country right or wrong". "Never again", in its most militant form. One can imagine such a reaction from such a history.

Others have chosen a different, I won't say "transcending", path that derives from the holocaust the meaning that nations, Israel equally or even more, must attempt to exemplify everything that the Nazis transgressed. "Never again" would evoke a more universal, reflective, challenge.

It is possible, to analyze the differences further, but I'm not sure it helps much. Each would think they are honoring and actualizing the memory of their martyred relatives and friends.

There are no doubt many in between. And there is the Zionist movement that seeks to manipulate, Jews and non-Jews alike, for political ends, finding in this sad history fertile ground for their cynicism. They have their lackeys among the neocons, and politicians who are either too credulous, lazy, corrupt, or lack the conscience to think and speak for themselves.

I don't know much about Tom Lantos but, if he had an active conscience, he may well have struggled with these questions. That’s the best construction I can put on it.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

No rights left . . . .

Emptywheel follows up on the FISA debate, particularly Jay Rockefeller's attempt to counter the privacy arguments outlined by Feingold. The thread of argument requires some effort to follow -- perhaps why this important debate needs to be translated into words that the average American can understand -- but it becomes clear that Rockefeller has a big stake in facilitating virtually unfettered executive branch access to information, regardless of the negative consequences for the privacy of American citizens.

This penchant of Rockefeller's to rubber stamp the administration's insatiable appetite for private citizen information continues to mirror his half-hearted excuses for knuckling under to the governments spying via telephone intercepts that the NY Times exposed several years ago.

The Bolton example highlights one form of abuse of improperly gathered information. How many others are possible? Steve Clemons highlights:

Fear mongering continues to drive the erosion of constitutionally protected rights. Rockefeller serves up a disingenous logic ignores which turns a blind eye to the fact that pending final court rulings, improperly collected data could be used for any and all purposes; and that a series of never ending appeals could keep "protected" periods of use running together forever. No harm, no penalty. Feingold counters Rockefeller's misrepresentations and generalizations supporting unfettered use and access. Simply, without a Feingold-like amendment, procedural loopholes render any check on improper (per a FISA court finding) data gathering and use meaningless.

Could this possibly be something the media might understand, interpret and report on?